Relative fuel value of nuclear fuel doubled.Ironically, Emmett Brown specifically refutes the idea that the DeLorean uses nuclear fuel the energy of the reaction powers the flux capacitor that allows time travel, and in Part III he specifies the DeLorean itself runs on ordinary gasoline. The fuel value of 1.21 GJ is a reference to the Back to the Future franchise, in which the DeLorean uses a nuclear reaction to generate "1.21 Jigawatts" of electricity.At that point, additional fuel burned is simply wasted. A simple calculator for factorio power plant / Resources. As the reactor consumes its fuel, it heats up to a maximum temperature of 1000C. A simple web app to calculate the ratio of buildings required for a given nuclear reactor layout, saving you effort to make a spreadsheet. Nuclear reactors will continue consuming one fuel cell every 200 seconds, regardless of the need. This compensates for the inability of nuclear fuel to be stacked a single unit of nuclear fuel provides more energy than a stack of ten rocket fuel. If trains behave like in Factorio, the Train should use the path around the train. Unlike every other power generation technique, nuclear reactors DO NOT scale down power usage. Nuclear fuel is made from rocket fuel and uranium-235, one of each to produce one unit of nuclear fuel.Ĭompared to rocket fuel, nuclear fuel not only gives a higher acceleration bonus, but also gives more than twelve times the energy output. if youre only using it for power, unless you are using mass amounts of power 1 Kovarex centrifuge (with a loop of 40 235U spit out) is probbably all you need. The vehicle top speed modifier (115%) is the same as for rocket fuel. hagfish, i found 1 Kovarex enrichment centrifuge, provides enough 235U to power 4 reactors generating 463MW of power with 235U to spare. It has the highest energy density and vehicle bonuses of all the fuel types, providing an acceleration modifier of 250% (compared to rocket fuel's 180%).