I think that patience is far more useful a tool in this instance than I first thought. I had restarted the box a couple of times in the interim, hoping that it would take, but I think I might have disrupted the population of the tables, and the DiskStation simply restarted the process again. My best guess is that the time it took for the routing tables to be updated took far longer than either the DSM user interface or my patience expected.
#Synology cloud station drive network error update
Then, about 5 minutes later, the DSM update was giving me what I needed to see: However, the DSM update continued to give me that error. I was able to turn on the NTP server (that’s the service that lets the Synology know what time it is, according to the US Government’s NIST time servers). I tried using Synology’s QuickConnect, and it didn’t work either. What was even stranger was that on one of the boxes, I did not have to remove the IPv6 setting for it to work – a simple restart after fixing the default gateway and DNS server gave me complete connectivity. They both gave me the “Could not connect” error.

When I updated my two boxes, I had very different reactions from them. You do not have to have an alternative DNS Server, but I put my default gateway as my alternative if, for whatever reason, Google’s DNS server doesn’t respond. Now, in this case, you want to make sure that the numbers match exactly. There is, however, two lines that you need to look at: The Default Gateway and the IPv6 Default Gateway. Most of these should be filled in for you. The screen that pops up will tell you what your network settings are. Then you want to find the icon labeled “Network.” It looks like a little house sitting on top of a sewer line (and if you know anything about networking, you’ll realize just how appropriate that is):

Now before you run screaming to the streets or try to wipe your Synology clean, here are a couple of things you can try.įirst, navigate to the control panel if it’s not already showing (that’s the icon I showed up above). Rumor has it that the only people to have successfully beaten this devilish problem are the Ancient Mayans, who also were able to count to 2012 and start over without panicking about the end of the world. This problem has confounded many a poor soul. Please check your Internet Connection” error. Fear not: it happened with both of them).Īh, yes. (Eagle-eyed readers will notice that these last two screenshots are from two different machines.