Even the most gifted commander with the best technology and most elite soldiers would do best to knock out larger, more populous opponents quickly, as wise resource management and industrial development will almost certainly prevail in the long run. Its beating heart is its intricate simulation of the industry and logistics that allow warfare to take place at all. Watching armies putter around with a choppy frame rate takes some of the magic out of it.īut the high-level competition between nations and ideologies in Hearts of Iron 4 is, somewhat unintuitively, not really about commandos or dive bombers or tank battalions. Almost every campaign I played past 1944 or so bogged down my beefy Core i7 4770K with the complex AI orders being issued from Normandy to Nanjing, making the last push toward victory, or desperate defense against defeat, a slightly vexing affair. Regardless of the path you choose, however, it’s likely as not to end with a stuttering stumble to the finish. I can’t get enough of alternate history, and the volume of crazy possibilities adds enormous replayability. The amount of divergence that can take place in the relatively compact 1936-1948 timeline can’t match the centuries you have to play with in Europa Universalis or Crusader Kings, but there are plenty of alternate scenarios to uncover beyond the World War II we all know and love. What’s astonishing is that Paradox foresaw and supported each of these alternate paths with a unique flag, country name, and quasi-historical leader to represent them. You can foment support for a fascist referendum in the American heartland and decide Canada ought to be yours, and those tea-drinking Brits across the pond be damned for thinking otherwise. You can oust Hirohito as Japan, put the workers of Tokyo in charge of a hardworking People’s Republic, and cast your lot in with Mao and the Soviets. By spending political power on national focuses and various, historically based government ministers, you can play as a Germany who pushes its luck as far as it can with political demands, but never actually fires a shot. These amusing and flexible ahistorical options exist for the majors, as well.
I only had eight divisions on the field due to my tiny population, but they had kill-to-death ratios that would make a pro Counter-Strike player sweat, enough stored veterancy that their unit cards were emblazoned with skulls, and were overall just the hardest bastards on the entire Ostfront. I buddied up to Germany, spammed industrial buildings to keep up in arms production, and held off the entire might of a Soviet army on the banks of Lake Peipus into early ‘45. I only had eight divisions on the field, but they had kill-to-death ratios that would make a pro Counter-Strike player sweat.One of the most entertaining runs I attempted was as fascist Estonia, among of the smallest and least-advanced players in Europe. But HoI4’s generic focus tree (used by all nations who aren’t great powers and thus, don’t get their own historically geared focuses) is powerful and open-ended enough that mid-tier and even backwater countries can pick a faction and ideology (Democracy, Communism, or Fascism), make a contribution to the war, and have a good time.
In Europa Universalis 4, for example, you might need to wait months or years for the Aztecs or the Mali Empire to be fleshed out in a patch or expansion. It added up to make me feel like I was really there on those North African battlefields of ‘42, considering all possibilities both foreseeable and unforeseeable to eke out a victory.Īny nation that existed between 19 is playable, and while great powers like Germany, the US, and the United Kingdom are a lot more detailed, the experience of playing a minor nation is the best it’s ever been at release in a Paradox game. At the highest level of play, you’ll be considering things like waiting for the weather to break before launching your armored offensive, and the dilemma of deploying your strategic bombers in the wee hours of the morning for better accuracy on vital targets or in the dead of night for a lower chance of being detected by enemy fighters and AA emplacements.
Climates, terrain, the day/night cycle, weather patterns, and supply lines are simulated and animated down to the individual province, and all have noticeable effects on your units’ real-time movement and combat. That’s roughly 250 times as many as a Risk board, and it really feels like a board gamer’s dream representation of Earth during the Second World War. The amazingly large world map of Earth circa 1936 is made up of over 11,000 unique provinces, sea regions, and air zones.